Amazingly Delicious Banana Bread enriched with Cacao, Nuts & Juicy Dried fruits ; )
All the dry elements underneed you can put togheter in a larger mixing bowl and mix wel.
250 Grams Self-rising flour
20 Grams Cacao powder
5 Grams Baking Soda
Pinch of salt
60 Grams Chopped Walnuts & Almonds
30 Grams Raisins
30 Grams Granberries
20 Grams Chopped Chocolate
Mix all these wet ingredients well before you spattle them thru the dry mixture.
Tip = Do this airy with out over spattling to much ; )
4 Bananas Puree (Mash them well with a fork)
120 Grams Brown Sucker
60 ml/gr Olive oil
60 ml/gr Almond Milk
Bake on 180 ° C for 50 Minutes in a Cake Baking tray covered with some foil for the first 35 Min and the last 15 Min. After that check with a fork to see if the inside is dry and not stinking to the fork.